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Fleetwood Together is coordinating the Town's response to the COVID-19 outbreak. There is a fundraising page taking donations to cover the cost of food and essential items for those most in need. 


Please visit to donate whatever you can and make a difference.


Thank you.




Fleetwood Community Hub​


The initial purchase costs of the Fleetwood hospital building and the first phase of the restoration including the roofing have been covered by anonymous donations to the Fleetwood Trust.


Replacement of over 160 windows within the property was part-funded by public appeal and we thank everyone who made a contribution to this important phase of the project.


Individuals, businesses and organisations are invited to support the project and play their part in creating a much-needed, vibrant and sustainable community hub for Fleetwood through donation.


We would welcome the opportunity to discuss our plans with you and share how your contribution can make a difference, please do get in touch.


By email:

By phone: 01253 376 200


Bank Transfer

Sort Code: 40-51-62

Account Number: 28472442 



Fleetwood Trust, Fleetwood Hospital, North Albert Street, Fleetwood, FY7 6AR



Donations can be made via our PayPal Giving Fund. Click Here


Gift Aid

If you donate via Bank Transfer or Cheque please remember to add gift aid by filling in our Gift Aid form and email to:

or post it to Fleetwood Trust, Fleetwood Hospital, Pharos Street, Fleetwood, FY7 6BE


Download a Gift Aid form

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