Happy New Year!
The last 20 months have been difficult for everyone with the pandemic with memories, challenges and hopes for a better future. It has been no different for the Trust and the people involved. We have, however remained optimistic at all times despite the difficulties and have worked hard to continue with the vision for a Community Hub.
Last year we held our very first AGM with great success, many thanks to the students and staff at Fleetwood High School for hosting this and for showcasing local talent, we were honoured to be able to be the first audience that the children had performed too in over 18 months.
We worked with local arts organisation Left Coast and have hosted two exhibitions which we are extremely proud of and felt great joy to see the building brought to life, a big thanks to Gillian Wood for her hard work, dedication and support to the artists and to us at the Trust, this has culminated in the exhibition being shortlisted for a national award.
We have worked with some fabulous people and their commitment to Fleetwood is honourable and we are proud to call them friends of Fleetwood Trust, they include the Trustees, local construction providers such as Shelby and Clement Dickens who both kindly sponsored the Christmas trees for the exhibition and have continued to help and support the development of the Hub.
It is now 2022 and we are delighted to announce that work has commenced on the refurbishment of the office space for Regenda which should be opening in the Spring of this year. Further construction will start later this month with the development of a Changing Places facility, we are again humbled to be able to offer this as the first facility of its kind in Fleetwood and are working hard with the national organisation Changing Places. If you wish to read more about this please look at their website www.changing-places.org
This facility will be within the hospital at the Bold Street entrance where there is accessible doors and car parking for those who require it, there will also be further work being carried out with a local education provider and also a health provider to bring opportunities to the community in a place that they can get to and feel comfortable.
I have now been in post for 20 months and whilst it has presented challenges due to

it has been an honour to work with a variety of people including other providers and the community who have worked tirelessly to help the local community during a very difficult and often strange time and I can’t wait to see what the next few months brings for the hospital and the development of this iconic building.
If you do wish to contact me please do so on charley.wilkinson@fleetwoodtrust.co.uk
Thanks and Best Wishes for the New Year
Charley x